Since I am trained in this “new” science (that actually dates back to 400 BC), I want to make sure you get the information you need for your specific body. Rest assured, if you are not feeling any of the aforementioned symptoms, you will.
Again, according to Hippocrates, all disease begins in the gut so if you are not taking care of yours properly, dis-ease will come. Why wait for that?
Most of us have heard by now to take a probiotic daily. We are concerned about gut health and the good bacteria overpopulating the bad bacteria in our digestive tract. If you have already added a clinically tested supplement to your daily regime, thumbs up. But what about the food our good gut bacteria eat? Probiotic bacteria, like any other living organism, can’t survive without food.
That is where prebiotics come in. Prebiotics are the foods that feed the probiotic bacteria in your gut. There are fibers that your body can’t digest but that your gut bacteria thrive on! In addition to feeding your body and your cells, you need to feed the tiny bugs in your microbiome so they can produce all of those great byproducts your body needs, like short-chain fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals.
A prebiotic can be defined as anything that feeds or stimulates the growth of probiotic bacteria in a way that improves health. Think of the gut as a garden. Prebiotics are the fertilizer, and the bacteria are the plants. Your plants need fertilizer to grow.
The benefits of prebiotics include the following:
Increased calcium absorption, leading to improvement in bone density
Increased magnesium absorption
Boosted immune system
Lowered cholesterol
Improved insulin sensitivity
Support with weight loss
Positive effect on leaky gut and fatty liver disease
So where do we get these amazing little bits of soluble fiber? All fruits and veggies. Soluble fiber is broken down and fermented by the bacteria in the colon, therefore making it a prebiotic. Here is a list of the best sources:
Jerusalem artichokes
Raw leeks
Raw garlic
Chicory root
Ginger root
Raw onions
Raw dandelion greens
Psyllium husk
Now the question is, can you get all you need from food? Well, just like probiotics, most likely not. It is best to take probiotics and prebiotics together in a symbiotic supplement. I have a few brands I absolutely love that can be found on my website to ensure the good guys are getting all they need to survive.
Jes Royston | Green Mama Tribe